Demorest Elementary raises more than $20K for AHA


by Brian Wellmeier

  • Demorest Elementary School students who raised $500 or more include (front row, from left) Charlie Hastie, Amelia Quaife and Aubrey Davis. Middle row are (from left) Helena Hastie, Olivia Holbrook, A.J. Beach and Braelin Sipes. Back row are (from left) David Gailer (Asst. Principal at DES), Erna Dowdy (P.E. Teacher at DES), Holly Marbut (Youth Market Director, American Heart Association), Superintendent Matthew Cooper and Demorest Principal Connie Yearwood.
    Demorest Elementary School students who raised $500 or more include (front row, from left) Charlie Hastie, Amelia Quaife and Aubrey Davis. Middle row are (from left) Helena Hastie, Olivia Holbrook, A.J. Beach and Braelin Sipes. Back row are (from left) David Gailer (Asst. Principal at DES), Erna Dowdy (P.E. Teacher at DES), Holly Marbut (Youth Market Director, American Heart Association), Superintendent Matthew Cooper and Demorest Principal Connie Yearwood.
Despite the financial burden levied on U.S. households amid the COVID-19 pandemic, students of Demorest Elementary School have managed to raise more than $20,000 for the American Heart Association …

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