Finding ways to stay cool

  • Tommy Howard enjoys his Cookie Monster ice cream at Scoops in Clarkesville. ZACH TAYLOR/Special
    Tommy Howard enjoys his Cookie Monster ice cream at Scoops in Clarkesville. ZACH TAYLOR/Special
  • Luis Covarrubias of Raspas El Tigre in Cornelia holds a watermelon agua fresca and cucumber-lime agua fresca topped with ice cream and candy. The sweet treats can help folks stay cool in the heat of the summer. ZACH TAYLOR/Special
    Luis Covarrubias of Raspas El Tigre in Cornelia holds a watermelon agua fresca and cucumber-lime agua fresca topped with ice cream and candy. The sweet treats can help folks stay cool in the heat of the summer. ZACH TAYLOR/Special
Sweltering heat continues to take its toll on Habersham County and communities across Georgia. This year’s high temperatures also came with a lack of rain, with Habersham experiencing ab- normally…

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